Terms Of Use

Terms of Use


Use by you of this web­site estab­lishes, and is strictly on the basis of, agree­ment in full by you, on your own behalf and on behalf of any­one you rep­re­sent, to the fol­low­ing Terms and Con­di­tions:

1. We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Con­di­tions at any time by amend­ment to the ver­sion posted on the web­site, where­after any sub­se­quent use by you of the web­site will be taken as accep­tance by you of the Terms & Con­di­tions in their amended state.

2. You war­rant that you are not in breach of any law or order of any court by using this ser­vice.

3. You agree that, in vis­it­ing and nav­i­gat­ing around this web­site:
a. you will not act in any way that amounts to a breach of any law and will fully indem­nify and hold us harm­less against all claims or demands or other con­se­quences of any breach of this pro­vi­sion,
b. you will not upload onto any area of this web­site any images, graph­ics, text, hyper­links, machine read­able code or other con­tent that amounts to a breach of the rights, includ­ing intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights, of oth­ers and/or which may breach rea­son­able stan­dards of moral­ity, decency and respect for the inter­ests of oth­ers to be treated with civil­ity and/or which may breach the rights in law of oth­ers not to be defamed and/or which may breach any right in law what­so­ever and shall hold harm­less our­selves against all claims and demands that may relate in any way to such con­tent,
c. you will not upload onto any area of this web­site any infor­ma­tion, whether as to your iden­tity, the pur­pose of your visit or oth­er­wise, that is not truth­ful and hon­est,
d. you will not upload to this web­site, or cre­ate or increase any risk of the upload­ing by oth­ers, or oth­er­wise expose this web­site or any email address dis­closed on it, to the risk of a visit or action by any virus, tro­jan, auto­bot or other form of mal­ware of any descrip­tion, and will keep us at all times fully indem­ni­fied against any loss or dam­age result­ing from any such upload or risk,
e. we have full right to remove at any time, and with­out notice to you, any con­tent uploaded by your­self to this web­site,
f. should you access any part of this web­site by per­sonal login, you accept full respon­si­bil­ity for all actions taken on the web­site under your user­name, whether or not you were the per­son who took such action,
g. there is no lia­bil­ity on us for loss or dam­age result­ing, directly or indi­rectly, from your visit to (includ­ing agree­ing not to seek to hold us respon­si­ble, or account­able, for any action or lack of action by your­self as a result of infor­ma­tion or advice appear­ing on), this web­site, or through access from this web­site, whether a web­site that is linked from this web­site, or any web­site that mas­quer­ades as our web­site or from data and infor­ma­tion appear­ing through data shar­ing tech­nolo­gies, or from your use of less than the opti­mal encryp­tion secu­rity, anti-virus or anti-spam pro­tec­tion or other sim­i­lar pro­ce­dures, includ­ing mea­sures to pro­tect your per­sonal iden­tity, in your browser or e-mail pro­gram, or oth­er­wise the man­ner and pro­ce­dures you adopt when brows­ing around the Web,
h. that, whilst we will use our best endeav­ours at all times to ensure the con­ti­nu­ity of the avail­abil­ity of the web­site on the Inter­net, given that the poten­tial for dis­rup­tion of con­nec­tiv­ity extends well beyond tech­nol­ogy and events over which we have any con­trol, cov­er­ing pos­si­ble actions by many var­ied organ­i­sa­tions who con­tribute to the func­tion­al­ity and con­nec­tiv­ity of the Inter­net as well as the sta­tus of your own soft­ware and web­sites, there will be no lia­bil­ity on us for any loss or dam­age result­ing, directly or indi­rectly, from any dis­rup­tion of access or fail­ure or vari­a­tion of intended func­tion­al­ity that occurs for what­ever rea­son,
i. that we reserve the right at any time to sus­pend or can­cel your use of, or access to, this web­site,
j. that you recog­nise that we own all intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights in the con­tent on this web­site, and that you will not, either by your­self directly or by assist­ing or per­mit­ting oth­ers so to do, do any­thing that breaches in any way such intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights of our­selves and, in par­tic­u­lar, will not copy or repro­duce any ele­ment of this web­site or its code or use it, or any part of it, to cre­ate any con­tent, doc­u­ment, web­site, image or graphic. In addi­tion you will not cre­ate, or per­mit or assist oth­ers in cre­at­ing, any hyper­link to any part of this web­site save to the home page nor take any action that directly or indi­rectly pre­vents, in whole or in part, access to, or reduces the enjoy­ment by your­self or oth­ers of, this web­site,
k. that when seek­ing to pur­chase any goods or ser­vices on this web­site, that you will not do so save on the basis that our Terms and Con­di­tions of Sale are accepted by you as reg­u­lat­ing any such pur­chase you make.

4. In the event that any term is held to be invalid by a deci­sion of a court of com­pe­tent author­ity, the remain­der of these Terms & Con­di­tions shall remain valid and enforce­able.

5. The laws of Eng­land and Wales shall be the only laws that apply to your use of this web­site and you agree to sub­mit to the exclu­sive juris­dic­tion of the courts of Eng­land and Wales for the res­o­lu­tion of any claim or dis­pute aris­ing.

6. All writ­ten notices to be given to us shall be sent by post to David Cutter Ltd, 2 Lyttleton Court, Birmingham, Street Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HN.